Research Group Leader
Großhaderner Straße 2
D-82152 Planegg-Martinsried
+49 (0)89 / 2180-74316
Research Focus
Keywords: songbird plasticity coding biophysics behavior
Research description: My research aims at understanding how cells communicate with each other in the brain, how this communication underlies computations and coding in neural networks and how it ultimately determines behavior. In the lab, we are currently investigating these questions with a focus on the song-related brain circuits in songbirds (canaries and zebra finches), great models to link brains and their plasticity to behavior. Ongoing projects in the lab focus on three main directions:
- behavioral plasticity in social environments and its neural correlates,
- seasonal plasticity of synapses, neurons and glial cells, their physiological and biophysical impact and their link to behavioral plasticity, and
- the role of electrical synapses in neural dynamics and behavior in the songbird brain.